Friday, September 9, 2011

Exploding Head Syndrom!

Okay, so the past two nights I've awoken to weird sounds at exactly 5:28am. The first night was a high pitched choir type sound, and the second night was the sound of paper ripping right in my ear. Both times I awoke quite alarmed and the sound persisted for several seconds after I woke and bolted up in bed. Peter and the dog slept peacfully until I turned the light on to look for the culprit. Yesterday I had the sensation of cigar ash in my nose and throat and I couldn't get rid of it. It was as though I was 10 again and my brother had paid me $5 to lick my dads ash tray. It was vivid and intense and no matter what I ate, drank, or where I went, I couldn't escape the taste/smell.

So. The first thing with the sounds I found through google searches, to be 'Exploding Head Syndrom'. Fun name. An auditory hallucination when a person is in an in-between state of sleep and being awake. Makes sense. Exploding head syndrom itself is thought to be disturbing, though completely harmless. Although - one possible cause of it is temporal lobe epilepsy. Upon some googling and wikipediaing of this, I find that the cigar thing (and a whole bunch of other symptoms I've been having), can be explained by this.

On tuesday I had gone to my doctor and had my neurontin decreased slighly because it was giving me gastric upsets. Upon further research into the drug, I find that missing a dose, stopping it, changing it .etc can give a person with no prior history of epilepsy seizures.

So, moral of the story - don't mess with anti-epileptic drugs.

Waiting on my doctor for what to do next, seeing if further testing is needed, and waiting to see if we shall proceed with my second nerve block since the first one was only minorly successful.

Incision two weeks ago

Incision today

Random trivia: After surgery my eyes had started to develop a brown ring that has since gone away.

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