Sunday, October 23, 2011

Load of updates

Since my last entry, I've been officially diagnosed with Partial Complex seizures by EEG, and started another anti-epileptic since gabapentin wasn't controlling them at all. My new neurologist says I'm taking enough of it to knock out an elephant. Unfortunatly I'm not an elephant... The seizures were a complete surprise to everyone but me. Doctors can't seem to trust that I know when something's up with my own body.
I've had another nerve block for the occipital nerve pain which seemed to make the pain worse, and met with a pain management specialist who did ANOTHER nerve block, this time using x-rays to ensure proper injection placement. So far no luck.
Trying a third type of medicine - nucytna - which also seems to have no effect.
Right after surgery I was so happy to be rid of my headaches but this nerve pain has taken over and is almost as bad - like I've swapped one pain for another.

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