Thursday, August 11, 2011

Occipital Nerve Pain

So I went to see the nurse practitioner about this horrible scalp-pulling pain. She poked my head a bit and concluded that I'm suffering from 'left occipital nerve pain'. Basically when they cut through my scalp they had to sever several nerves in the process. Most of these were of little consequence and have left my head just feeling numb like when your feet fall asleep from sitting too long. One of the nerves however, was my occipital nerve, which, while I don't know what it does, is a big nerve that curls around the head like a rams horn. The result of this is when I move my head that sliced nerve gets aggravated and it feels like some one's trying to scalp me. I'm considering a nerve block injection (seeing if insurance even covers it first), which has debate over how much it works. For some people it works, for others it doesn't, but unanimously, it hurts like hell. For now I'm trying Neurontin, a seizure medication that also works for nerve pain, and hoping that it helps and I don't even need the nerve block.
Aside from that, the right hand muscles in my neck keep spasming. I have no appetite, probably from the enormous amount of narcotics I'm taking scheduled. Chewing hurts. Laying down hurts. When I lay on the back of my head I hear an unwholesome crunching sound. I told the nurse practitioner about this who's response is "Yeah, we've heard that before but don't know what to tell you". My bottom most staple is all wiggly like a loose tooth and due to my OCD I feel compelled to pull it out but won't because it would probably hurt like hell. And when I'm up walking or sitting in the car I get to wear a lovely neck brace that though stabilizes my head, also sort of chokes me.

Photo Update:

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