Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Random Worries

With a major surgery such as this I suspect it's normal to be worried about certain things. What are the risks, how long is the recovery, how will it affect my life.... But the thing is, I've known the answers to these sort of questions for a long time, so my mind's going a step further and racing and obsessing over the random stuff.

When can I dye my hair after surgery?
Will having a titanium plate in my head make me look suspect at airport body scanners?
How bored will I be in the hospital while I recover?
Will I set off metal detectors?
Do I have to avoid certain shampoos and crap?
Will I be able to stick a magnet to my head?
How bad will the scar be?
How do I feel about being called by the club-like-name 'zipperhead'?

The doctors medical assistant made a point of telling me that post-op before I'm allowed to leave the hospital I'll have had to make a bowel movement to make sure the drugs haven't caused constipation to the point of obstruction. This opens up even more questions.
What if I can't? And even more curiously...
How will they know?  Will I have to crap in a bio hazard bucket and show them or will they take my word for it?

Even though it's over a month till surgery, I'm prepping already by bothering people on forums with my retarded questions. As I type I'm downloading Bret Easton Ellis's 'Glamorama' from Audible.com (FYI - If you sign up you get any free audiobook and then can cancel and not be charged). I'd been told by someone that their ipod was a savior since reading was painful and difficult. I'm still going to go in with my netbook, some discover magazines, and some nat. geo's, but just in case I have the audio-book option.

We've also already got a trip all planned out to see some of Peter's family out east before this all happens because I probably won't be flying any time soon afterwards. I've got my calendar marked a week before surgery to re-dye my hair and prepare for some grey to start showing. There's another random worry - grey hair. People say the area that's been shaved often grows back grey, and at 23 I already have too much of that.

I'm actually worrying a lot about my hair as stupid and girly as that is. I've been growing it out on purpose and now to know I'll have a patch of it shaved off sucks. It should be done in such a way that I can hide it and the incision under the rest of my hair, but I just hope the Doctor has 'decent stylist' on his credentials also.

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